pá29Zář19:00MAN OWNS THE PENIS, THE VAGINA OWNS WOMANŠvandovo divadlo, Praha19:00(GMT+02:00)
Místo konání
Švandovo divadlo, Praha
(Pátek) 19:00(GMT+02:00)

Informace o akci
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a young philosopher wrote his book Genderand Character. Shortly after its publication, in early October 1903, he rented an apartment in Vienna. The
Informace o akci
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a young philosopher wrote his book Genderand Character. Shortly after its publication, in early October 1903, he rented an apartment in Vienna. The philosopher’s name is Otto Weininger, and he is twenty-three years old.He rented an apartment where Ludwig vanBeethoven died. Of course, this was no coin-cidence… In July 1968, a woman entered the studio of a famous artist and shot him dead.Her name was Valerie Solanas, and she turned herself in to a traffic policeman the same night.The man she had shot was Andy Warhol. Two people intransigent towards the world and their own lives.Two people who despised the other sex and made it blatantly clear through their state-ments. Misogyny (hatred of women) and mis-andry (hatred of men) at the key moments of the 20th century.
“A woman is either a mother or a whore; neither offers anything good, letalone intelligent. The worst man is still worthmore than the best woman…”,
“…man is just animperfect woman, walking abortion, aborted already at the genetic level. Being a man is be-ing an emotionally limited bastard; being a manis a physical defect, and men are emotional cripples.” How many people nod in acknowl-edged or covert agreement?”They create sharp, full of opinion, bold, provocative, visually striking, performative physical theater. And they master it brillliantly!”(Divadelní noviny)
Direction:Petr Boháč, Miřenka Čechová
Dramaturgy:Martina Kinská
Costumes and scenography:Lucia Škandíková
Music:Jan Kučera
Directional assistant:Petra Štanclová
Production:Tereza Marková
Cast:Marie Štípková, Jan Grundman, Jiří Böhm, Sabina Bočková, Lukáš Bláha
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