Constellations I. Before I Say Yes

Constellations is marking a new turning point in the creation of the Spitfire Company. It will start with Constallations I./desire. In 2016 will be Constellations I. / desire in coproduction with Hellerau and Tanec Praha and orchetre Berg.

After the trilogy “People in the extreme situations”, where the main topic was always an individual struggling against adversity following topics such as fatigue, Parkinson’s disease, trauma or refugees, the director Petr Boháč is coming with a new phenomenon, with a question: what constitutes social organism composed by different individuals.


concept, direction, scenography:
Petr Boháč
Markéta Vacovská a Petr Boháč
Miřenka Čechová
Michal Nejtek
Peter Vrábel
music interpretation:
Orchestr BERG (Marko Ferenc - housle, Jan Keller - violoncello a baskytara, Jana Holmanová - klavír / klávesy, Zuzana Bandúrová - flétna, Kiryl Tseliapniou - klarinet a basklarinet, Štěpánka Balcarová - trubka, Štěpán Janoušek - trombón, Anton Ždanovič - bicí, Petr Tichý / Jan Faix - live electronics)
lisght design:
Martin Špetlík
Ekaterina Plechková, Inga Mikshina, Kristýna Šajtošová, Roman Zotov, Martin Šalanda
Tanec Praha / PONEC – divadlo pro tanec, Orchestr BERG, Hellerau - European Center for the Arts Dresden


Spitfire Company is an artistic company that includes works of physical, visual and dance theatre.